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40 Frontend Developer Interview Questions and Answers

Web developers with expertise in creating and designing UI & UX for web and mobile applications are called “front-end developers.”

They handle all the visual aspects of a website or mobile app and ensure that it is: user-friendly, eye-catching, and effective. 

Front-end developers also focus on responsive design, optimising the UI to adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions, providing a consistent experience across devices. 

They test for cross-browser compatibility, making sure the website or app functions correctly on various web browsers. Additionally, they work on performance optimisation to enhance loading speed and overall efficiency.

Here are a few front-end developer interview questions and answers to prepare:

General Interview Questions

First things first, here are a few Front End Developer Interview Questions for Freshers that candidates might encounter:

Question 1: What Are The Primary Technical Skills Required To Be A Front-end Developer?

The applying candidate must have the skills of HTML, CSS, JQuery, and JavaScript to become a front-end developer.

Question 2: Can You Name Some Of The Most Commonly Used Git Commands And Functions? (Git Interview Questions)

Some of the most used Git Commands and functions are:

  •    Git Config
  •    Git Add
  •    Git inits
  •    Git Diff
  •    Git reset
  •    Git Commit
  •   Git Push
  •    Git Merge
  •    Git Status
  •   Gut Pull

Question 3: What Are The Steps To Make Your Design More User-friendly?

To create a more user-friendly design, I would focus on the website’s UI and conceptualise a more user-centric experience. I would also check the design with different users.

Question 4: What Do You Mean By Version Control System?

Version Control System (VCS) records the changes made to the data, which helps users restore the data to its previous version in case of any emergency.

Question 5: Describe The Callback Function.

The callback function is passed to another function as an argument and ensures that before the completion of a task, the function will not run.

Question 6: What Is The Main Difference Between Git Fetch And Git Pull commands?

Both Git fetch and Git Pull commands are used to retrieve data and make changes to them. Git fetch downloads new data and doesn’t include them in the working file, whereas Git Pull commands add new information to the existing working file.

Interview Questions About Experience

Experience-related questions aim to gauge a candidate’s understanding of the industry alongside past experience working with different front-end technologies.

Here are a few Front End Developer Interview Questions for Experienced Candidates that they need to prepare:

Question 7: Tell Us Something About Your Experience in the Field of Front-End Development.

I have been working in the front-end development field for a long time. (if you have prior experience) I have expertise in HTML, CSS, and languages like Javascript. I have also worked on some projects for different web applications.

Question 8: Do You Have Any Experience Working in a Team Environment?

Yes, I have worked in team environments. Good communication and collaboration are critical factors for the success of the team.

I actively participated in team meetings and shared my ideas with the designers.

Question 9: How Do You Stay Updated With the Latest Trends in Front-End Development?

I follow news websites and industry-related blogs regularly and attend conferences.

Online communities like social media groups also help me to stay updated about the new trends in the market.

Question 10: Have You Handled Any Significant Problems in Any Project Previously?

Yes, I have faced some significant challenges previously, like the tight deadlines provided by the customers. The changing requirements of the customers also add to these problems.

I have managed the problems by breaking the whole problem into smaller tasks, prioritisation, and communicating closely with my seniors.

Question 11: How Do You Value Feedback on Your Work?

Feedback, for me, is precious as it provides me the opportunity for growth. I have always listened carefully to the feedback from seniors and peers and tried to implement those in my work.

Question 12: How Much Do You Value Testing in the Process of Front-End Development?

The value of testing in this field is very high because it is related directly to customer satisfaction which is the ultimate goal. I believe in thorough testing of new developments and their functionality.

CSS-Specific Interview Questions

As CSS is a major part of front-end development, some of these questions might be faced by candidates  in the interview.

Here’s a list of the top interview questions related to CSS:

Question 13: What Do You Mean by CSS Reset?

A set of rules is applied to all browsers to normalise the default styling of the HTML elements. This set of rules is called CSS reset. CSS reset becomes very useful when you try to strip the formatting of HTML elements.

Question 14: What Do You Know About a CSS Preprocessor Tool?

The CSS preprocessor tool allows users to write CSS more structured and concisely. Some of the most common CSS preprocessor tools are Sass and Less.

As the project size grows, these become more important.

Question 15: What Is the Use of CSS Float Property?

CSS float property places the elements on either side of the container. This allows the text and the inline elements to wrap around the elements.

Question 16: What Is the Use of CSS?

CSS is used to define the styles of the web pages. The colour, layout, and fonts are included in this. CSS can also be used with XML-based markup languages, which are not dependent on HTML.

Question 17: What Are the Advantages of CSS?

CSS provides users with better control of the web page layout. The CSS style files are not included in the HTML structure. So, they are of smaller size. The smaller size also causes a reduction in the bandwidth.

Question 18: Explain the CSS Box Model.

The CSS box model includes the content of the element, the border, the margin, etc. The model represents the space occupied by the elements on the web page. It determines the size and position of the elements.

HTML Interview Questions

HTML is a core language in the field of front-end development. It’s the first thing to learn when getting started in the field.

Here are some of the HTML Interview Questions  that may help candidates in the interview process.

Question 19: Explain HTML And Its Role In Front-End Development.

HTML means Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is the standard language used for creating the structure and content of web pages.

Question 20: What Are the Major Differences Between HTML and HTML5?

HTML5 is an update of HTML that includes some extra features like audio and video support, canvas for graphics, etc. HTML5 offers better support for multimedia and applications.

Question 21: Explain the Usage of ‘Doctype’ in HTML.

The “doctype” declaration means that the HTML version is currently being used in some documents and indicates the web browser to render the page in standard-compliant mode.

Question 22: What Is the Purpose of the HTML “Meta” Tag?

The HTML “meta” tag provides the metadata about the document.

Metadata includes information like character encoding, keywords for search engines, etc.

Question 23: What Are HTML Forms?

The HTML forms provide the users with a way to submit the data to a server. The form elements capture the input, and the form’s “action” determines where the data will be sent.

Question 24: Name Some Semantic Elements in HTML.

Some of the semantic elements in HTML are <header>, <section>, <footer>, <article><nav>, etc.

JavaScript-Specific Interview Questions

JavaScript is another key component of front-end development.

Here’s a quick primer of questions related to JavaScript that candidates need to prepare for:

Question 25: Describe Javascript and Its Role in Frontend Development

It is a high-level language that adds a more dynamic and interactive behaviour to web pages. It is used to manipulate and control the elements of the webpage and its contents.

Question 26: What Is Variable Scope in Javascript?

Variable scope indicates where a variable can be accessed in the program. The variables within the function are accessible within that function only.

Question 27: Define Closures in Javascript and Their Uses.

Closures are functions that provide the user access to the variables within the program from outer functions. These closures are handy for creating private variables.

Question 28: Can You Explain How Javascript Handles Asynchronous Programming?

Yes, I can. To handle asynchronous programming, Javascript uses techniques like promises, callbacks, async, etc., to handle the tasks that take more time to complete.

Question 29: Name Some Ways in Which You Can Handle Errors and Exceptions in Javascript.

Javascript provides the user with error-handling mechanisms to handle the exceptions. The potential error-prone codes can be wrapped in a “try” block, and the exceptions thus can be handled easily.

Question 30: How Can You Debug Javascript Code?

We can debug JavaScript using browser development tools that provide features like breakpoints, inspection of variables, etc.

Miscellaneous Interview Questions

Lastly, here are some miscellaneous Frontend Developer interview questions and answers that candidates might encounter in the interview:

Question 31: State the Difference Between Cookies, Local Storage, and Session Storage.

The small text files stored by the browser are called cookies. A storage mechanism that holds data for the session is called session storage. The local storage stores the text files indefinitely.

Question 32: What Are Progressive Web Apps?

PWAs provide the feel and experience of native apps, although being web applications. They are pretty different from native apps because they are built by web technologies and can be accessed by a browser.

Question 33: How Can You Optimise Performance by Techniques Like Code Minification?

Code minification removes unnecessary characters from the code files and reduces the file sizes. This helps in optimising the performance.

Question 34: Can You Tell Me the Benefits of Using Responsive Images and How They Can Be Implemented?

The responsive images make sure that the images adapt to various screens. This improves the page load times and the user experience. They can be implemented by using CSS media queries.

Question 35: Name Some Techniques That Are Used to Optimise the Website Loading Speed.

Some techniques used to optimise the speed are optimising image sizes, minimising the HTTP requests, utilising browser caching, etc.

Question 36: What Is the Concept of Asynchronous Programming in Javascript?

The asynchronous programming in JavaScript enables the tasks to be completed concurrently. It involves the use of callbacks, promises, async, etc.

Question 37: Name Some Techniques Used to Increase a Website’s Accessibility.

The techniques used are:

  •    Use of proper HTML semantics
  •    Providing alternative texts for images
  •    Use of proper colour contrast

Question 38: How Can You Handle Browser Caching in Front-End Development?

By setting the appropriate cache headers, the browser can store some resources locally, and thus, the browser caching can be handled, and the need to fetch them can also be reduced.

Question 39: How Can You Handle Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities?

To handle the vulnerabilities, the front-end developers need to:

  •   Validate the user input
  •    Avoid the usage of inner HTML
  •    Use the libraries and the frameworks
  •    Implement CSP

Question 40: Describe the Role of Performance Audits and Optimisation in Frontend Development.

The performance audit and optimisation include analysing and improving the website, application speeds, load time, user experience, etc. This gives the user a smoother experience and increases the conversion rates.

Final Thoughts on Frontend Developer Interview Questions

Front-end development is a good prospect for job-seeking candidates from the IT sector. Answering these Frontend Developer interview questions and answers can increase the chances of landing a job opportunity with a top organisation.

Candidates must prepare them thoroughly in order to increase their chances of acing the interview. 

FAQs on Frontend Developer Interview Questions

Q1. How Do I Prepare for a Frontend Developer Interview?

Questions around HTML, CSS and JavaScript must be prepared thoroughly to prepare for a frontend developer interview. Candidates must also be prepared to showcase their skills through on-the-spot coding exercises or projects.

Q2. What Are Front-End Developer Interviews Like?

Frontend developer interviews usually involve question-answer rounds related to technologies like HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Q3. How to Crack Frontend Interviews?

It’s simple: Get the technical concepts right, build a strong foundation and be confident while answering.

In addition, having good logical reasoning skills is great too.

Q4. What to Expect From a Front-End Interview?

As stated previously, candidates can expect a Q&A related to the job role, their  responsibilities and some technical concepts.

They might also be assigned tasks that need to be completed within a specific time frame.

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