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Home > Motivation & Thought LeadershipNo kidding! Here's how to tap your inner child to get ahead...

No kidding! Here’s how to tap your inner child to get ahead at work

learn from child

Children, they say, see magic because they look for it. As we grow up, we force out our inner child, believing that there’s nothing good about being child-like. But children are far more confident and courageous, and enjoy life more intensely than adults. They teach us that every day is a fresh start, love to nurture relationships and find joy everywhere around them.

Many of these qualities can be channelised to help you find success at work. Take a look:

Learn to be fearless

Every child is born fearless; it’s the people around him or her who bring in fears – about the dark, the seemingly scary dog next door or the witch-like woman who lives in Apartment 4. As we grow up, we build a castle of fears – of the unknown, of rejection, of being judged, of what the future might hold and so on. But it’s important to be fearless to take the leap and move ahead in your career. Just make sure you’re fearless, not reckless!

Learn to have fun

Children across the world, no matter what their circumstances, are ready to have fun. They’re happy with an expensive toy and just as excited an hour later with the cardboard box. As an adult, rediscover that joy. Stop thinking that work is called work because it’s not supposed to be fun or that having fun means you’re slacking off. Bring your sense of humour to the office and find ways to uplift the spirits of those around you. And remember, if you #LoveWhatYouDo, it’s much easier to have fun at work.

Learn to forgive and move on

Ever seen a couple of children at play? They’re sure to play together and fight all the time. But they get over the fights quickly, don’t hold grudges and never need long apologies. They don’t even realise that they’re forgiving all the time and moving on. Forgiveness and forgetting is a time-tested way to resolve conflict by generations of children.

Learn to unleash your creativity

Unlike adults, children don’t think too much about creativity. They don’t worry about the hows and why’s; they just express it to find joy. Be it pretend play, unusual colouring patterns or singing in the rain, who’s worried about being judged? Learn from children; follow your instincts to create whatever comes to your mind and heart. Albert Einstein said it all: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” Innovation comes from imagination!

Learn to pursue your dreams

Children don’t like to take no for an answer. If they really want something, they’ll pursue it relentlessly. There’s a lot to be said for their attitude, their dogged determination where their desires and dreams are concerned. So don’t settle for a no, don’t hold off on going after your dream. Tap into the relentlessness of your inner child to make your dreams come true.

Learn to say no with conviction

Children learn to say no when they turn two and then go on to use it with alarming regularity. But by the time we turn adults we forget how to say no, especially at the workplace. But saying no actually means you have priorities, value your time and would not commit to doing a job badly. So when needed, say no. Say it with unfettered and truthful conviction like a child.

Learn not to worry about the future

No child worries about tomorrow for tomorrow isn’t here yet. They prefer to live in the present, in the moment. No matter what the past is, they don’t spend time worrying about how scary the future will be. If you focus on what “is” instead of what “will be”, plenty of problems are sure to be solved. Winston Churchill famously said: ““When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened.”

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