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Home > Work Life BalanceQuiz: Has work hijacked your life?

Quiz: Has work hijacked your life?

Zubair, working late one night in the office (much like every other night over the past few weeks) received a call from Arif, his friend. Arif reminded him of the meet up of their friends that Thursday. Zubair rather than getting excited, was stressed thinking about how he would make time for that evening. With work on his mind, the words “extension on the deadline” escaped his lips. It was then that Zubair realized that stress from work has seeped into other aspects of his life as he was using office jargons in different contexts as well.

Can you relate to work taking precedence over other aspects of your life? Want to know where you stand in terms of work-life balance? Take our quiz and find out:

How is your day structured?

a) My work takes up my entire day.
b) Though work take up most of my time, I can take out time for other pursuits as well.
c) I balance my work and personal life.
d) I always have time for other pursuits.

When was the last time you exercised?
a) Not in this calendar year.
b) I exercised last month.
c) I exercised last week.
d) I don’t require exercise.

When did you last take personal time off?
a) I am too busy to take vacations.
b) My last vacation was two years back.
c) My recent vacation was six months ago.
d) I regularly take vacations. 

How likely are you to remember birthdays/anniversaries?
a) I am the most forgetful when it comes to this.
b) I partially remember the dates.
c) I remember all the important dates.
d) It is not essential for me.

On average, how much time do you spend with your family every week?
a) I hardly get to see my family because of my work.
b) We all sit together once a week to connect.
c) I regularly connect with my family over dinner.
d) I do it all the time.

When you go out shopping what is it that you usually purchase?
a) My focus is to first look for office attire.
b) I usually buy business books and magazines.
c) I buy groceries/other items required at home.
d) I am not a shopper. 

Now, let’s see how you have performed. If you selected option (a) for most of the questions, then work indeed is at the center of your universe. Every decision you take, be it at work or home is with one intent – giving your all for the job. Moreover, all this usually comes at the expense of your personal life.

If you selected option (b) for most of your options, it means that while work may not be the only thing in your life, you still have been unable to strike a balance between all aspects of your life. If your choice was option (c) for most of the questions above, this means that you have found a way to give importance to every part of your life. You can give your best at work, while still making time for yourself and your family. Once out of work, you can switch off that part of your life and focus on what is around you.

For those of you who chose (a) or (b) as most of your answers, it may be a time to review your life and look for a job that helps you find a balance between your work and life. Find Better, Faster with Monster.com and enjoy your life to the fullest.    

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